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Dr. Michael Cheung


Famous Expert of Tung's System Acupuncture

Professor, Dong's Acupuncture and Moxibustion Professor Yang Weijie's entry disciple, has been studying Dong's acupuncture with the teacher for 25 years. Graduated from Taipei Medical University and Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has been practicing medicine in Vancouver, Canada for nearly 20 years. He is currently a Visiting Professor at the New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the California University of Chinese Medicine, and a CICMR Director of the Canadian Institute of Chinese Medicine. Former President of the Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Administration of the BC Province of Canada, and a member of the Expert Committee of the Health Canada. Over the years, he has traveled around the world with Yang Shi to teach and teach Dong Acupuncture in the United States and Canada.


Click below to listen to Dr. Michael Cheung on July 21, 2018. Wechat Lecture: "Introduction to Dong's Odd System"

董氏奇穴系統簡介 - 鐘政哲博士
International Congress of Traditional Medicine icon
The 4th ICTMHW
2020 Vancouver

Conference designated gift

Moxa Lady Healing Bad 

Secretary:Ms Mao


Ticketing: Ms.Zhu 1-778-989-0677

Purchase tickets address:BG Acupunture Clinic 203-5679 Imperial St,  Burnaby, BC ,V5J 1G1 Canada

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